Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Goespel-Centered Resources For Thinking About Same-Sex Marriage

For all the coverage and conversation about the issue of same-sex marriage, there seems to be very little that I would consider Gospel-centered in a way that is consistent with my understanding of the Gospel of Grace.  I'm happy to pass on these resources that I've found helpful.

Let’s Be Honest, Please! You Meant “Marriage Redefinition” When You Said “Marriage Equality” But Didn’t Have What It Takes To Say What You Mean!

My wife is a great cook, but my son and I still remember the day she tried to slip one by us.  “Enjoy the mashed potatoes!” she said.  They looked a little watery, but who’s to complain we thought.  On bite and there was no hiding it though.  What can you say about cauliflower “disguised” and passed off as mashed potatoes.  Sure, it was an experiment, and she wanted to help us eat more vegetables, and cauliflower is good for you and on and on and on.  It didn’t work.

Her “cauliflower mashed potatoes” came to mind listening to all the people “evolve” and now support “marriage equality.”  Give me a break.  Cauliflower mashed potatoes are not about “vegetable equality.”  They’re about redefining food and trying to slip one by unnoticed, just like “marriage equality” is really no more than “redefining marriage” without owning up to it.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

On the (Imagined) Silent Gospel of St Francis

The Roman Catholic Church has a new pope – the first ever to take the name Francis – and American media outlets are filled with people extolling the St Francis – the 13th century figure – for his love of the poor, the environment and this quotation: “Preach the Gospel at all times.  Use words if necessary.”  I guess two out of three is not bad for American media these days.

St. Francis never spoke those words that are so often attributed to him.  It is as simple as that.  Click Here for a great blog post – from July 11, 2012 no less – that deals with this matter.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Welcoming People Well - March Outreach

You will notice a major effort during the month of March to reach out to people in our community and introduce Christ Covenant to them.  I want to remind each of us that consider Christ Covenant home of why we are doing all of this as well as what we are doing:
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