My wife is a great cook, but my son and I still remember the
day she tried to slip one by us. “Enjoy
the mashed potatoes!” she said. They
looked a little watery, but who’s to complain we thought. On bite and there was no hiding it
though. What can you say about
cauliflower “disguised” and passed off as mashed potatoes. Sure, it was an experiment, and she wanted to
help us eat more vegetables, and cauliflower is good for you and on and on and
on. It didn’t work.
Her “cauliflower mashed potatoes” came to mind listening to
all the people “evolve” and now support “marriage equality.” Give me a break. Cauliflower mashed potatoes are not about
“vegetable equality.” They’re about
redefining food and trying to slip one by unnoticed, just like “marriage
equality” is really no more than “redefining marriage” without owning up to it.