Let me be honest: I am not and never have been a supporter of the politics, policies or perspectives of Al Gore. I voted against him every chance I had, and would do it again without reservation.
That said, I am still saddened by the recent announcement of the separation of Al and Tipper Gore. Forty years of marriage. Four kids. Best of times and worst of times, usually lived the brutal glare of the public spotlight. That's a lot of life and relationship, so I am saddened to see it come to a season of stepping away. Not only am I saddened, but I've been praying for them regularly. And praying for the other marriages in my circle of relationships - including my own. It is a tough world out there if it can bring the Gores to this moment.
I am hoping there is hope though. And it is because they are separated, not divorced. Here's what I am hoping and praying for.