Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let’s Be Honest, Please! You Meant “Marriage Redefinition” When You Said “Marriage Equality” But Didn’t Have What It Takes To Say What You Mean!

My wife is a great cook, but my son and I still remember the day she tried to slip one by us.  “Enjoy the mashed potatoes!” she said.  They looked a little watery, but who’s to complain we thought.  On bite and there was no hiding it though.  What can you say about cauliflower “disguised” and passed off as mashed potatoes.  Sure, it was an experiment, and she wanted to help us eat more vegetables, and cauliflower is good for you and on and on and on.  It didn’t work.

Her “cauliflower mashed potatoes” came to mind listening to all the people “evolve” and now support “marriage equality.”  Give me a break.  Cauliflower mashed potatoes are not about “vegetable equality.”  They’re about redefining food and trying to slip one by unnoticed, just like “marriage equality” is really no more than “redefining marriage” without owning up to it.

 I hate to sound like the angry blogger on a rant, but I’m .  .  .  . – OK, I’ll own it – I’m fed up, angry and ready to rant.

Same-sex marriage is about redefining marriage.  Be honest about it.  If you want to redefine marriage to include two people of the same gender then have the guts to argue for that.  But framing the question as a matter of equality is ridiculous.  Change an institution and it is no longer what it was.  Change marriage to include two people of the same sex and you’ve changed marriage.  It is no longer what it was.  That’s not about equality, that’s redefinition.

Tell a fish that what he does is fly so that birds and fish have equal access to the practice of flying?  No, you have redefined what it means to fly.  And by the way, you’ve now made the term virtually meaningless.

Face up to redefining marriage for what it is, and suddenly it is pretty clear that we simply have one more step in a long march to remake marriage into a contract between adults for the purpose of self-fulfillment.  No-fault divorce was an early step in this march.  Wide acceptance of cohabitation is another step.  And now same-sex marriage.  These are all steps in the same direction to redefine marriage as something other than what it is.  As was pointed out at the Supreme Court oral arguments, friendship that is forced upon people, is by definition something other than friendship.  Forcing a redefinition under the guise legal equality is disingenuous.  

Make no mistake, same-sex marriage is a huge, UNTESTED social experiment with scientifically unknown consequences.  Sure, there are many advocates for this practice from the social science fields, but when the actual research is examined it turns out to be something other than real research.  Click Here to read “A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It: Advocates of same-sex marriages can’t back up claims about positive long-term effects.”  

Same-sex marriage is about redefinition that wants to hide behind the term “equality.”  In truth, “there is no more of a ban on same-sex couples getting married then there is a ban on two-wheeled unicycles or square triangles.”  Click Here to read more where that came from!

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