Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Sin-Sick and Broken World

This past Sunday I preached about our hope for the full restoration of all creation when Christ returns.  “We live in a sin-sick and broken world,” I said,” that awaits redemption and transformation.”

Monday, I got up to news of the overnight death of Jim Carr, an EPC pastor that I have known since we were both in High School in Charlotte, NC.  While his wife Vickie called 911 from a bedroom, Jim confronted a burglar in his home, was shot in the chest and died on the way to the hospital.  911 has a recording of his description of the incident and perpetrator as he lay bleeding.  Click Here for the story.

Years ago Jim had gotten the “left foot of fellowship” from the mainline Presbyterian denomination.  With a group from that church he attempted a church plant with the EPC that would eventually fold.  We reconnected at a church planter’s assessment and training conference when I was equally unemployed.  We were older, somewhat wiser and much more bruised than when we had last met, but we were both deeply thankful for the grace of God that had sustained us over the years with a measure of joy, even in difficult circumstances.

Jim died the way he lived: brave in God’s grace.  Willing to risk what he had for those he loved, both a congregation and a family, because he himself was secure in the deep, transforming love of a Savior.  I pray I can be the same.

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